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Announcing Historical Net Worth

Announcing Historical Net Worth

For the Piere team, our approach to setting resolutions for this new year looks a bit different than most. We’ve been actively speaking to our users, learning from them, and making enhancements to Piere that make setting and reaching your own 2024 goals simpler, smarter, and more empowering.

In fact, Piere was just highlighted again by the press for our intelligent approach to empowering your finances, and our users tell us how much they love using Piere. For all that’s new, let’s start here:

Historical Net Worth

Time travel is possible (within your finances!) Visualize changes in your net worth with an interactive chart that reflects the dynamics of your personal finances and updates each time you connect a new account. The best part? Piere intelligence shows you your net worth even from before you connected your account.

Account Naming

Need to change the default name of an account connected to Piere? Create your own account nicknames to make tracking your expenses even simpler.

Refreshed Navigation

Find your way around the app even more quickly with updated navigation that includes a dedicated home to view your personal financial growth.

Migrate From Mint

Move your Mint transaction history and custom categories to Piere in just a couple clicks.

Our best financial guidance, in your inbox

Our team of financial experts will send you personal finance tips and insights along with occasional updates when Piere releases something new.