Feature Requests
We’re in the process of migrating our previous features requests to this new area of the website. There may be existing requests that are not yet listed below, and we thank you for your patience during the migration.
Be able to edit pending transactions instead of having to wait for them to settle and then edit themEdit pending transactions
Adam Mitchell shared this idea
Top Requests
This is something we aren’t able to do because the transactions that are pending will be removed and replaced with the posted transaction and any edits you make will be lost
Some pending transactions get lost after being pending for days and getting thrown in with the mix off other similar transactions. It makes it hard to find to make edits. If there was a way to see which previously pending transactions are now available for editing, it would be helpful. Or some other way to be able to edit pending transactions and have the information save for the final transactions when it posts. Thank you!
This would be awesome. I’m dis-incentivised to use the app sometimes because I have 5 to 10 pending transactions in incorrect categories, rendering the “budget bucket” view unreliable and almost useless unless all transactions have settled, which is rare since I make transactions almost on a daily basis. I know Mint somehow solved this problem, I wish I knew how they did it though!
Id prefer the pending transactions just didn’t show if it’s not possible to edit. This means my balances are wrong, plus I get notifications of being over budget due to a pending transaction that’s miscategorized.