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Modifications to pending transactions

Feature Requests

We’re in the process of migrating our previous features requests to this new area of the website. There may be existing requests that are not yet listed below, and we thank you for your patience during the migration.

2 votes

Modifications to pending transactions

Often I will go to modify a transaction after I make it while it is still pending, but I am unable to edit it (because it is pending). By the time it posts, I have forgotten about it. This negatively affects the precision of my monthly and yearly historical budgets. I understand there would need to be a system in place for handling a merge conflict if a field changes when a transaction posts which has already been set manually. This could either default to the overriden value or send the user a notification asking for a manual resolution. If this is too technically challenging, an optional notification for when a transaction posts would also help remind users to manually change the fields they wanted to.
Under Review mnilsen35 shared this idea

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