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Opt into Budget Categories rather than shown every sub-category

Feature Requests

We’re in the process of migrating our previous features requests to this new area of the website. There may be existing requests that are not yet listed below, and we thank you for your patience during the migration.

4 votes

Opt into Budget Categories rather than shown every sub-category

When setting budget, I would like the option to opt into which categories to track instead of tracking all 500 sub-categories. I only want to track my spending for 3 main categories since they consume the most spend. I don’t care about the remaining small dollar categories (ex public transit budget varies from 10-20). So at a glance I just want to see how I’m doing across my top 3 categories of interest. A way to implement this would just be to select which categories you want to track in the budget view. Everything else would get grouped under "Other", which I can review if I want to, but is not a priority.
Under Review magicmaster97 shared this idea

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