Feature Requests
We’re in the process of migrating our previous features requests to this new area of the website. There may be existing requests that are not yet listed below, and we thank you for your patience during the migration.
Renamed subCategories not updating with rulesub
So I renamed a subcategory from OLDNAME to NEWNAME. It seems that any rules set to categorize the transaction to the OLDNAME remains at the OLDNAME instead of updating to the NEWNAME. It would be nice to have the rule to automatically update with the renamed change. I am sure this would be easier once we get the ability to see/edit/delete rules. I don't want to use the automated transaction rule (e.g. the category rule prompt) as it will overwrite previous transactions with the name transaction name, which involves a lot of rework in looking at past transactions.
If the OLDNMAE is a custom category, the OLDNAME subcategory is not listed under transaction/filters, so I have to search for the merchant to find the transaction and recategorize it to the NEWNAME.