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Split Transaction: Have a Primary Bucket to Deduct from

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Split Transaction: Have a Primary Bucket to Deduct from

I purchase a gift card for $200 as the main transaction. Of course, I won't use this gift card all at once, so I use split transaction every time I make a purchase with this gift card. Every time I split the transaction, the "main" transaction where it deduct the balance from is random Example Day 1 Transaction 1 – $200 (Gift Card Balance) Day 2 (first split) Transaction 1 – $180 (Gift Card Balance) Transaction 2 – $20 Day 3 (second Split) – This is the ordering of the split seems random Transaction 2 – $20 Transaction 1 – $180 (Gift Card Balance) Transaction 3 – $XX At this split, it seems that it is a random chance, when I add a split, it would subtract from a different transaction (e.g in this example Transaction 2) and not the "main" or first" split transaction (e.g. Transaction 1).
Under Review Pennywaltz shared this idea

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