Feature Requests
We’re in the process of migrating our previous features requests to this new area of the website. There may be existing requests that are not yet listed below, and we thank you for your patience during the migration.
Basically any transaction that was categorized as “cash” could be automatically tied to my recent ATM withdrawals. So if, for example, I take out $100 from the ATM and then spend $50 of that cash on food and $50 on transportation and enter it in Piere, I’d ideally like Piere to know that I spent $100, not $200. Tie in cash transactions to ATM transactions
Adam Mitchell shared this idea
Top Requests
1 Comment
This isn’t something we would be able to do automatically, but to achieve this result, you could create a rule to recategorize ATM withdrawals as transfers which would then exclude them from your budget and would net $100 in spend